quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2025

Mais uma vez venho apresentar meu novo trabalho

 Bom, título auto-explicativo. Eu gostaria que vocês dessem uma lida em Cidade Amarela no meu novo blog. Atualmente também estou escrevendo Akasha, a continuação direta de Cidade Amarela, quase um epílogo.

segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2023

Conheçam meu novo trabalho!

     E aí arqueólogos, tudo bem com vocês? Recentemente eu acessei este blog e fiquei muito feliz em saber que ele possui um número considerável e regular de visitantes mesmo eu não atualizando mais ele.

    Só queria passar pra deixar os links do meu projeto atual, Henshin Opera (É basicamente Slashman em texto e mais bem feito, mas ainda estou tendo desafios em trabalhar com a comédia)


    Não lembro como colocar hyperlink no blogger, então só vou colar o texto dos links mesmo  😛






Espero ver vocês lá!!!



terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2018

The Songs of Willian Blake

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the first illuminated –that is, illustrated- work of writter Willian Blake: The Songs of Innocence and The Songs of Experience, which were later compiled into a single work.
        These books are collections of poems; the first one, The Songs of Innocence, is presented as a collection of poems for children and has a very uplifting tone, talking about the joys of childhood and the Love of God towards all living beings. Even poems like “The Little Black Boy” and “The Chimney Sweeper”, that deal with slavery and child labour, respectively, are very opmistic.
        The Songs of Experience, however, is more cynical. It is supposed to be “the truths of the world”, sang by a wandering bard. It deals with themes like poverty and the efemerity of youth, but especially it makes attacks against religion. Among the messages of the poems there ir the recurring theme that religion prevents people from enjoying the joys of life. “Earth’s Answer” tells that God is a jealous tyrant who envies humanity for its pleasures. The collection tells how the Church tyranizes people.
        When put together, the two anthologies can be interpreted as how our views about the world change as we get older. We start to see the “ugly” side of the world and realize that we must face problems in our lives.
        It’s time to grow up.

Dravot’s Ambition

Ambition: Oxford dictionary defines it as “a strong desire to do or achieve something” and “desire and determinations to achieve success”. The philosopher Friederic Nietzsche calls this desire the “Will to Power”; it is with this will, this desire, that we manage to get a promotion at our jobs or save money to buy a new car. Its also with this desire that empires are made. In “The Man Who Would Be King”, a short story by Rudyard Kipling, who also wrote the adventures of wild boy Mowgli, two men decide to go to Kafiristan – today part of Afghanistan- in order to become kings. What caught my attenttion the most in the story was the character Daniel Dravot. He is the mastermind of the plot, leading his friend, Peachy Carnehan, in the adventure of conquering the tribes of Kafiristan and building a solid nation. Dravot speaks like a visionary; his words are able to inspire anyone who hears to fight your way to glory. However, everyone has their own form of ambition, their own peculiar goal in life. Dravot’s ambition isn’t to create his own empire but rather to gain the title of Knight of the Victorian aristocracy, a goal he attempts to achieve by uniting the Kafiristan tribes into a single army under service of the Victorian Empire. Dravot can be regarded as a symbol. A symbol that no dream is too big or too small if you are really willing to fight for it.

The Power of Speech

Charisma: A mysterious hability to enforce your personality on another person and make them feel attached to you. It is a great weapon to make someone do what you want. But IF you want to influence lots of people at the same time, you will need more than that. You will need rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of oratory, the art of making a good speech. All the great leaders of human history were skillful in this art. A good example is Adolf Hitler, who managed to convince a whole nation to support his nefarious ideology of National Socialism. Despite writting a book that inspired people, the “Mein Kampf”, Hitler acknowledged that the true Power lyes in the spoken Word. Another man with this Power was Winston Churchill. Churchill made arousing speeches to inspire people to fight for their rights and when they were hopeless, to not give up and combat the Nazi Germany. It is said that speech is the finest of the forms of art, because it requires that the performer has knowledge of all the other arts and the world around them. I’m not surprised by this affirmation; before people could write, paint, or even sing, people could speak.

Why Sci-fi?

What’s the importance of science fiction , you ask? The genre of science fiction, which some people even go far enough to claim it is the most important ever. But what is so special about it? Let’s go back to the roots of the genre, in the 19th Century. A woman named Mary Shelley publishs a novel titled “Frankenstein”, about a scientist that creates na artificial living being. Even now the story is still used for people to consider the consequences of meddling too much with the forces of life and consciousness. Another writter who influenced the genre was Hebert George Wells. Some of his works include “The Time Machine”, “War of The Worlds” and “The Island of Doctor Moreau”, which deal with themes like class division, imperialism and vivisection, respectively. A relatively more modern example is the original Star Trek show, which not only inspired people to become scientists but also opened their minds to social tolerance. Wether it is by pointing out the errors of today or by showing what may come tomorrow, science fiction always drives us to progress, to a brighter future. Did I answer your question?

[Censored Tile]

What’s the difference between Right-wing politics and Left-wing politics? According to George Orwell, none. Once a communist fighting against fascism in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell realized that no side was better than the other. To illustrate this point he wrote “Animal Farm”, a story about farm animals that revolt against their human masters and “seize the means of production”; a clear allegory to Socialism. However, once in Power, the pigs who lead the revolution start to behave like their former human oppressors, representing the dictatorship that socialist countries inevitably become. However, its most influential work is “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, a novel featuring a dystopic future where the government controls every aspect of society, including the very thoughts of people. This story popularized words like “Orwellian”, “Big Brother”, “Thought Police”, “Newspeak”, “Doublethink”, among others. You might be thinking: “Good thing this is all just fiction”. Well, think again. Biased people are already controlling how people should talk or act, how they should treat each other and even how, you guessed, they should think. These people are the postmoderns, also know as “SJW” or “Social Justice Warriors”. For people who see themselves as paragons of justice, these folks are doing a great job at destroying Western society. But as the saying says, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.