terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2018

Why Sci-fi?

What’s the importance of science fiction , you ask? The genre of science fiction, which some people even go far enough to claim it is the most important ever. But what is so special about it? Let’s go back to the roots of the genre, in the 19th Century. A woman named Mary Shelley publishs a novel titled “Frankenstein”, about a scientist that creates na artificial living being. Even now the story is still used for people to consider the consequences of meddling too much with the forces of life and consciousness. Another writter who influenced the genre was Hebert George Wells. Some of his works include “The Time Machine”, “War of The Worlds” and “The Island of Doctor Moreau”, which deal with themes like class division, imperialism and vivisection, respectively. A relatively more modern example is the original Star Trek show, which not only inspired people to become scientists but also opened their minds to social tolerance. Wether it is by pointing out the errors of today or by showing what may come tomorrow, science fiction always drives us to progress, to a brighter future. Did I answer your question?

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